Merge Request

Branch should be merged to master when you have finished some work, for example, you have fixed an issue or implemented a feature. You can create Merge Request in GitLab, and assign it to somebody in your team. Actually, you also can create a merge request which is working in progress.

You can create a MR by yourself, or use the templates.


There are issue template and merge request template. How to create merge request template? Just like issue template, you should create a markdown file in your git repository. The location should be in project_folder/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/, xxx will be the name of the template.

Here is what a template look like [1] .

$ more .gitlab/merge_request_templates/
**1. What this MR does / why we need it:**


**2. Make sure that you've checked the boxes below before you submit MR:**

- [ ] I have read [Contribution guidelines](
- [ ] I have run `tox` locally and there is no error.
- [ ] no conflict with master branch.

**3. Which issue this PR fixes (optional)**

**4. CHANGELOG/Release Notes (optional)**

Thanks for your MR, you're awesome! :+1:

When you create a merge request and chose the template, it looks like this:



For the merge request which is working in the progress, please add WIP: in the beginning of the title. in that case, this merge reuqest can not be merged unless you remove WIP: from the tile.


Other Information

For Assignee, Milestone, Labels, this can be setted by the creator or the project manager.

How to Merge

The merge request can be merged by assignee when:

  • The GitLab CI passed
  • Code Review by a group of people, anyone can do code review.
  • Check out the branch and do the functional test if needed.
  • Other requirements

After Merge

There are some operations after merge:

  • Remove source branch (optional)
  • Check related issues and make sure close them
  • Check master branch’s build status
  • Others

